Metropolitan Pavel: Belarusian Orthodox Church is a reliable foothold for the state

Source: Belarusian Telegraph Agency

September 22, 2016


The Belarusian Orthodox Church is not a rival of the state but a reliable and constructive foothold for it, Metropolitan of Minsk and Zaslavl Pavel, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus said at the meeting of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko with the Synod of the Belarusian Orthodox Church on 22 September, BelTA has learned.

“I want all people of the republic to understand that the Belarusian Orthodox Church is not a rival of the state but a secure and constructive foothold for the state and society,” the Metropolitan said.

In his words, the Church is focused on creation. Priests ask God to protect peace, accord, and tranquility in the country so that people could live and work peacefully.

“The episcopate of our church prioritizes moral education of youth who now have to address various challenges in the world,” the Patriarchal Exarch added.

Metropolitan Pavel thanked the President for the assistance that the state is providing in the restoration and renovation of Orthodox objects, common cultural and spiritual heritage. “The today's meeting is a vivid testimony to the profound trust and understanding of the head of state in relation to the Belarusian Orthodox Church which unites many citizens of the republic. We are also responsible for the future of the country,” he stressed.

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