All Bible commentaries gathered on mobile iOS app

Moscow, October 11, 2016


Optina Monastery has completed work on the “Commentaries on the Holy Scriptures” mobile app for iOS, reports the monastery’s website.

The “Commentaries on the Holy Scriptures” project was begun in 2010 on the basis of the official website of the Orthodox Optina Monastery (in Russian: “Pustyn”, that is, “Hermitage”). The aim of the project is to collect into one place all known commentaries on every verse of the Holy Scriptures.

“Now happy users of iPhone (and soon also of iPad) will be able to have commentaries on nearly every verse of the Holy Scriptures that they want near at hand in off-line mode,” a message on the monastery’s website reads.

New commentaries daily appear on the website which allows for keeping the application base up to date. The latter is available here.

“The commentaries include not only texts of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church, but also those of other authors, both ancient and modern, whose comments agree with Orthodox Tradition,” the message specifies.

According to information from the project authors the same application will be made for Android in the near future as well.

Let us keep the following words said by Venerable Ephraim the Syrian in our memory: “When you notice that you get bored with reading Divine Scriptures and that you listen to spiritual instructions with reluctance, then know that your soul has become extremely sick. For this is the beginning of evil-mindedness and those who have had it reaped the fruit of death.”

Translated by Dmitry Lapa


Alexey Khlopoff10/14/2016 2:06 am
Are these going to be available in the English language?
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