Patriarch Bartholomew to visit Ukraine

Source: Orthodox Life

November 25, 2016


In the near future Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople will visit Ukraine and meet with the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches. Chairman of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada Andrei Parubiy expressed such hope at a Nov. 24th meeting with representatives of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, reports

Speaking of the results of a meeting with Patriarch Bartholomew, A. Parubiy noted that he had invited Patriarch Bartholomew to visit Ukraine.

“Patriarch Bartholomew gave the nod to such a visit to Ukraine, and I hope that we will be able to hold a meeting of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches with Patriarch Bartholomew in the near future,” stated the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

According to him, the primate of the Church of Constantinople asked to convey his greetings and blessing to all and to thank the deputies who voted for the appeal on establishing an autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

“Patriarch Bartholomew is well acquainted with the situation in Ukraine and is monitoring it. He sees the changes that have occurred in Ukraine over the past three years, and agrees that Ukrainians have been consolidated and Ukraine has become stronger,” said the head of Parliament.

Translated by Jesse Dominick

Orthodox Life


Anthony11/25/2016 10:50 pm
This is the same mischief making Phanar who told the Russian Orthodox to mind their own business when they expressed concern over the unlawful arrest of Geronda Efraim Vatopaidinos by the godless Greek state. Why is this man going to the Ukraine now, when there are so many problems with the heretics there trying to create divisions and schisms, and in particular using Constantinople to do their dirty deeds for them. Questions, questions, enquiring minds need to know.
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