Martyrs Eudoxios, Agapios, Atticus, and those with them, at Sebaste

Commemorated on November 3


The glorious Martyrs Eudoxios, Agapios, Atticus, Marinus, Oceanus, Eustratios, Karterios, Nikopolitianos, Styrax, and Tobias were all soldiers in the city of Sebaste during the reign of Emperor Licinius. When they were examined by the lord of Seville, by Duke Marcellus, and also by Marcus Agricola, they boldly confessed that they were Christians, and were severely tortured in various ways. In the end they were thrown into the fire and burnt alive, thus they all received the unfading crown of martyrdom in the year 315.

These saints are commemorated on November 2 in Greek usage.

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