Fire breaks out at residence of former Patriarch of Jerusalem

Jerusalem, July 11, 2018

A fire broke out at the residence of the former Patriarch of Jerusalem Irenaios, Romfea reported yesterday.

It seems the fire was caused by a lit candle, as the fire moved from the candle to burn a chair, and then the entire room, filling the apartment with smoke.

The former patriarch is weak and sick from old age, and struggled to shout for help as he was trapped on his balcony.

Local residents noticed the smoke within a few minutes and immediately called for help and rushed to help Pat. Irenaios.

Pat. Irenaios was removed from office in 2005 amidst charges of dubious real estate transactions. He took up residence in the patriarchate from February 16, 2008, leaving for the first time in November 2015.

On November 3, 2015, the former patriarch underwent a successful hernia operation. On November 5, Patriarch Theophilos went to visit him in the hospital. Then one year ago, on March 22, 2016 Patriarch Irenaios attended a reception

to congratulate Patriarch Theophilos on his name’s day, giving rise to speculation at that time that some kind of official reconciliation may be coming.

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