November 14, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump has named Reince Priebus, an Orthodox Christian, as his White House chief of staff come January 2017.
The forty-four year old Priebus has a long history in politics, and is a personal friend of House speaker Paul Ryan, which is expected to help in garnering legislative victories for the Trump administration, The Guardian reports.
Priebus has served as state treasurer and Republican party chairman in Wisconsin, and took up the post of Republican National Convention chairman in 2011, becoming a loyal Trump campaign adviser and helping to garner broad support that led to his victory.
More importantly, the soon-to-be chief of staff is an Orthodox Christian, and through his efforts with fellow Orthodox Republicans, the need for defending religious freedom in places of high risk for Orthodox Christians was added to the Republic Party platform, according to the Greek Archdiocese’s official site.
Priebus is an active member of St. Sophia's Greek Orthodox Catheral in D.C. His 2016 Paschal message reads:
Christos anesti! I want to wish Orthodox Christians around the world a happy and blessed Easter. As our church has done for generations, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ and the love of God in providing a savior. Just as the first Christians praised God at the sight of the empty tomb, we too praise our good and merciful God today for his victory over the grave. Christ's sacrificial work provides an example for us all, and we join with the Psalmist in saying 'You make known to me the path of life.' Easter is a time for the celebration of new life, and I pray we will all draw on that new hope throughout the year,
and on his personal Twitter account he exclaimed: “To my Greek Orthodox friends, Kalo Pascha and Christos Anesti!”
Wow!!! Such hatred????? Who are you talking about? If it's President Trump, you are sadly mistaken for Trump is sent to us from God to sort out all the evil of the world. And, he's doing a good job about it too!!!
Lighten up!!!! Get some love into your heart!!!
May our Lord show mercy on those supposed Orthodox Christians who voted for this heretical forerunner of the Antichrist who hurts Christ with his sins, hatred, racism and new Nazi alt-right ideals. The Athonite Elders are extremely angry against this despicable monster and his hatred against all things Christian, his lies, his hatred for the poor, innocent, downtrodden and innocent.
I wish him much good luck in his new position.
I'm a Russian Orthodox member and I have more in common now
with Reince Prebius than before.
We need more affliation with God tohelp us along the way
and proud to be American Egyptian and very proud Republican since 1973 happy to know this news specially how the Copts suffer from the Radical Islam and the Muslems Brotherhood
Congratulation Mr. Reince Priebus God bless you always
this is one of the best things Mr.Trump do to the nation. I wish and implore, to reverse all the Anti-God legislation and executive orders of the past so that this nation be once again great and beacon to the world.
Forgetting all the past sinfulness, I would love to read Mr. Trump as a man of God, man of prayer and a Christian, not shy of gospel and Jesus, in line with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. God Bless you and your team.
Thanks God!
Mariana Bates -CA
The world
George Zakharia
Maybe the United States will be able to finally take a stand against Islamic terrorist organizations and the slaughter of so many Christian men women and children by ISIL. By the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ. AMEN
Leadership for all people, to Reince Priebus!
Greek Orthodox Christians always pursue peace
and love for all, and are strong believers
and protectors of human rights of
all people
not to all Orthodox? Greek nationalism.