Virtual tour of St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kiev launched online

Kiev, January 31, 2020

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St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kiev is a beautiful 11th-century monument of Kievan Rus’, erected by Yaroslav the Wise. It is one of Ukraine’s best known landmarks and was the first site to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List along with the Kiev Caves Lavra complex.

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Now, the beauty of secrets of the famous cathedral are accessible to all Orthodox faithful worldwide, even for those who cannot visit Kiev, as the National Kievan Sophia Museum has launched a high-quality virtual tour online.

“Thanks to the 3D tour, everyone can see St. Sophia’s Cathedral I great detail,” notes the museum website.

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The tour provides an in-depth look at the cathedral’s three floors, with multiple rooms, and beautiful and well-preserved ancient icons. The tour also provides information on several notable icons and sites within the cathedral.

A virtual tour of the Holy Dormition-Svyatogorsk Lavra was also recently launched


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Chad LeBrun3/3/2022 12:13 am
We are praying for all parishioners of your Cathedral!
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