Hungary orders disclaimer on LGBT books for kids, Ukraine spends funds distributing such books

Budapest and Kiev, January 28, 2021

A scene from Princess+Princess, purchased by the Ukrainian state for children's libraries. Photo: A scene from Princess+Princess, purchased by the Ukrainian state for children's libraries. Photo:     

The Hungarian government took an important step this week to protect children from harmful propaganda, while a new report reveals that the Ukrainian state is involved in such propaganda.

According to the Hungarian governmental order, the Lesbian group Labrisz must include a disclaimer identifying books containing “behavior inconsistent with traditional gender roles,” reports Reuters.

The decision came after the group published the Wonderland is for Everyone fairytale anthology, which includes stories with gay and transgender themes. The authors say the book is meant to teach children to respect people of all backgrounds.

“The book is sold as a fairytale, called so on its cover and designed accordingly, but it hides the fact that it depicts behavior inconsistent with traditional gender roles,” the Government Office in Budapest said in a statement.

Labrisz and gay rights group Hatter have said they will sue the government for discrimination.

Under Prime Minister Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Hungary has taken many steps in defense of traditional families and morality. In December

, a law was passed that effectively bans same-sex adoption. In May, Hungary also banned legal gender recognition, meaning people cannot change the gender they were designated with at birth.

Conversely, the Ukrainian state spent budgetary funds purchasing an LGBT comic book to be sent to children’s and school libraries throughout Ukraine.

Interestingly, the Ministry of Culture spent precisely 666,000 hryvnia ($23,600) purchasing books, including 1,240 copies of Princess+Princess: Happily Ever After, which culminates in the princesses’ lesbian wedding, reports the Ukrainian social movement All Together!.

The book by New Zealand author Kate O’Neill was included in a list of books approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on July 5, 2019, the Ministry of Culture confirmed to All Together!.

The report comes at the same time as the Ukrainian Ministry of Health officially issued referral forms for COVID-19 testing with an option to choose male, female, or “unknown gender.”

According to the publisher of the comic, it is aimed at overcoming “stereotypical ideas” about relationships. According to the social movement, the comic “contains signs of aggressive propaganda of same-sex relationships.”

“The publication, printing and distribution of such literature among children's libraries throughout Ukraine at the expense of the state budget is frankly shocking,” writes the social movement, which is sending a letter to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy with a demand to withdrawal all copies of the book from all library collections.

In July

, Ukrainian Deputies of the Servant of the People faction introduced a bill that would make such publications promoting homosexuality and transgenderism to children illegal.

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