Another 15 Kenyan priests join Russian Exarchate

Meru, Kenya, February 10, 2022

Photo: Telegram Photo: Telegram     

As a result of a pastoral meeting with Fr. George Maximov yesterday, another 15 priests from the Diocese of Nyeri and Mt. Kenya have joined the Russian Orthodox Church’s African Exarchate.

Priests from the Central Meru and Northern Meru Deaneries invited Fr. George to meet with them, in order to hand him their petitions to join the Russian Church, reports Metropolitan Leonid, the Russian Exarch of Africa.

According to the priests, Bishop Neofitos of Nyeri visited them on Sunday, appealing to them not to join the Russian Exarchate, which would bring certain consequences. However, they informed him that the majority of priests of both deaneries had made up their minds, and during the meeting with Fr. George, 15 priests signed oaths

and were accepted into the Russian Church.

The Russian Holy Synod announced the creation of the Exarchate on December 29

, initially with 102 African priests. Met. Leonid later announced that the number had grown to 150, and it continues to grow, especially with the activity of the Moscow priests Fr. George Maximov and Fr. Andrei Novikov in Africa for several weeks now.

The overwhelming majority

of priests of the Kenyan Kisumu Diocese have joined the Exarchate.

However, Alexandrian hierarchs have begun pushing back

and defending their territory. On Saturday, the aforementioned Bp. Neofitos personally confronted Fr. George and a group of African priests and prevented them from serving the Liturgy in a church in his diocese. The next day, Archbishop Makarios of Nairobi also attempted to prevent an Exarchate Liturgy, though they celebrated after he left.

And Archbishop Ignatios of Antananarivo and North Madagascar has issued a stern warning

that any priests who join the Russian Exarchate cease to be priests and even cease to be Orthodox.

Meanwhile, Metropolitan Seraphim of Zimbabwe continues to emphasize the urgent need

for a pan-Orthodox council to solve the deepening crisis.

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Mikhail2/12/2022 4:28 am
You are correct, Xiwang. The Patriarch of Alexandria and those with him, who have decided to recognize the OCU, have become schismatics.
Guang Xiwang2/11/2022 2:02 pm
Alexander Leitner2/10/2022 9:33 pm
@JT: Irony? Your comment can not bev taken seriously
Alex2/10/2022 8:20 pm
Now these pious priests can get on with spreading the Gospel! The MP will see to it that they're treated like real clergy.
Mikhail2/10/2022 6:40 pm
They all should join the Russian Exarchate. The Alexandrian Hierarchs have recognized the OCU schismatics and are now threatening the African clergy. The Hierarchs are desperate and unrepentant. It is time for the good and faithful priests in Africa to join a good and faithful jurisdiction.
Katherine2/10/2022 6:06 pm
The threats and toy throwing are not working, it seems. There is a reason that this is brewing the most in Kenya. Something has been off there for decades now, and it needs fixing. May the Lord save us all.????
JT2/10/2022 5:35 pm
Very sad that these priests have abandoned the canonical Church for the schismatic Russian "Exarchate."
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