Kenya: Alexandria bishops confront ROC Exarchate priests in church, suspend them from serving

Nyeri and Zimmerman, Kenya, February 7, 2022

Photo: Facebook Photo: Facebook In two separate incidents over the weekend, hierarchs of the Patriarchate of Alexandria confronted clerics of the new Russian Exarchate in Africa in churches in Kenya, informing them that they weren’t blessed to serve in their diocesan churches.

Frs. George Maximov and Andrei Novikov arrived in Africa late last month from Moscow. Since then, they have celebrated several Liturgies

with clerics throughout Kenya and Tanzania, distributed antimens signed by Metropolitan Leonid, the Russian Church’s Exarch of Africa, opened local administrative offices, and held a number of spiritual talks and administrative discussions.

But whereas they initially met no active resistance, Fr. George and the priests serving with him, who consider that they have transferred to the African Exarchate, were personally confronted by two hierarchs serving in Kenya.

On Saturday morning, Bishop Neofitos of Nyeri and Mt. Kenya went to St. Moses the Black Church in Nyeri, where Fr. George was scheduled to serve with other African priests, and prevented them from serving.

Bp. Neofitos writes:

It is a spiritual insult and ignorance of the highest order for the clergy from the Moscow Patriarchate to invade an altar in our diocese for liturgical service knowing very well that there is a canonical spiritual authority overseeing the church in the region where that church is established. It is sad that I had to stop him with his disciples from celebrating liturgy today in Nyeri (our diocese) and asked them to leave in peace. That was an invasion which was well coordinated by the priest in charge which I have discharged him from serving the parish with immediate effect.

“They can establish their own and nobody will interfere with their mission,” the bishop continues.

As Bp. Neofitos writes, Fr. George “said that he was very sorry about it because he was not told the truth by the priest(s).” “Is it true? Only God knows!” he continues.

All of the Russian Church’s talk about “schism and canonicity… is a deliberate attack on the Alexandrian Patriarchate because of their politics up there and this will paralyze, maim, and mutilate all that we have labored for,” Bp. Neofitos stresses.

“I am deeply in pain and my heart is bleeding having witnessed what happened today. I pray that our esteemed Spiritual hierarchy will sit down soon and find an amicable solution to this madness,” he writes.

Another Alexandrian hierarch, Metropolitan Seraphim of Zimbabwe

, commented on Bp. Neofitos’ post:

I would like to propose our Bishops in Kenya, if they organize an appeal to collect funds and donations to support properly our clergy and their families for their survival, nobody is going away from his local Bishop, and even the ones are with their Bishop, they will come back, when you see your kids suffering or when you can see your kids thirsty without water, how one father will react to somebody who give him a glass of water. Let’s help our Bishops there to get donations to give proper salaries to our clergy and then our beloved brothers Russians will realize that in Africa they will be like tourists for safari to see the elephants and the lions…

We should tell the people the true, for many years we failed to find ways to give proper salaries to our clergy for their survival and to support properly their families, many of them received nothing, and the ones who received something , it was so little, just to cover their expenses for one week. No safe water, no food, no medical care, no support for education of their kids, to be a clergyman is a choice of way of suffering, we should understand this situation and to find ways to support our clergy for their survival to be able to protect their families properly.

The Metropolitan encourages all to continue praying for unity and peace, and also adds that the Ecumenical Councils stipulate that the pastoral care of the Orthodox in Africa is entrusted to Alexandria, and that it’s impossible to be Orthodox without following the Councils.

In his reply, Fr. George states that he was simply responding to the invitation of African priests. If the local priests didn’t understand the situation of the St. Moses the Black Church, then Bp. Neofitos should have taught them better, he says, adding that the Russian Church neither intends to seize property from the Greek Metropolis nor preaches a “Gospel of schism.”

“All this stems from the sole sinful decision of Patriarch Theodor[os],” he responds.

The next day, Sunday morning, Archbishop Makarios of Nairobi went to the Church of St. Catherine in the Zimmerman neighborhood of Nairobi to confront the clergy of the Russian Exarchate.

According to Russian Exarch Met. Leonid, Abp. Makarios first called the rector the day before and demanded that they not serve the Liturgy, to which the priest responded that the decision to join the Russian Church was “conscious and final.”

As Abp. Makarios writes, he then went to the church in the morning, where he didn’t find Fr. George, but a group of African priests. When they saw him, everyone left but the rector, who, Abp. Makarios writes, was very rude and insulting.

The other priests later returned, with Fr. George, and celebrated the Divine Liturgy, Abp. Makarios states.

According to Met. Leonid, Abp. Makarios intended to serve Liturgy at St. Catherine’s but all the priests refused him.

In conclusion, Abp. Makarios announces that, “All priests who celebrated with [Fr. George] today and any other who is planning to join that group stands suspended indefinitely. Letters to this effect will be circulated to all our Churches for our Christians to disassociate with them.”

He also emphasizes that ROC clerics are barred from entering and serving in the churches of his diocese.

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Volodymyr2/9/2022 10:10 pm
@Metropolitan of Zimbabwe Serafim thank you for commenting on the post! It brought a lot of pain to faithful in Ukraine and around the Orthodox World when Pat. Theodores took a 180 degree turn from his initial support for the saintly Met. Onuphry and long suffering orthodox in Ukraine. I pray with fervor that a Pan-orthodox synod takes place soon, and hope that the bishops within Africa help the canonical Ukrainian Church under Met Onuphry.
Theodoros2/8/2022 9:14 pm
Your Eminence Metropolitan Serafim, The whole problem that is afflicting Orthodoxy would disappear immediately if Patriarchs Bartholomew and Theodore repented for recognizing the schismatic entity in Ukraine. In 2018, his beatitude Patriarch Theodore travelled to Ukraine and expressed his support for the canonical Ukrainian Church. Can you explain what changed a year later when his beatitude entered into communion with the politically institution known as the OCU?
Editor2/8/2022 5:25 pm
Metropolitan Seraphim: Thank you for joining our discussion with a wise comment.
Antiochene Son2/8/2022 3:32 pm
@Alexander Leitner: A bishop does not vacate his see unless a synod deposes him. Don't overreact and become a Donatist. An entire Church does not automatically lose grace when its presiding bishop does a stupid thing.
Antiochene Son2/8/2022 3:28 pm
@Theodoros: Even if a council did depose Bartholomew and Theodore, most of their Holy Synods are of like mind with them. Who is to say their successors wouldn't double down? But with God all things are possible.... I wonder if Bartholomew is being indifferent because he is hoping to let things skate until 2025 and the hoped-for reunion with Rome. But all theological issues aside, Rome would be wise to tell Bartholomew to clean up his own house first. Who knows, maybe these schisms are God's providence to prevent a false union from happening.
Metropolitan of Zimbabwe Serafim2/8/2022 3:03 pm
Let's carry on praying our Lord Jesus Christ to protect all of us and our Leaders to come together in order the Holy Spirit to help all of us for a peaceful soulutions. we cannot claim that we are orthodox, when we fail to love and we come here insulting each other, when we hate somebody, we are not orthodox. Let's carry on praying. From the above comments, I have realized how much we have failed as clergy and theologians to teach properly people who claim that they are orthodox. May God bless all of you, but before to speak, feel the presence of Christ and then just think, how Christ was going to react, in the same way remember the Saint you have his name or her name and behave like them as their voice, and then God will be with us to protect all of us to give priority to the Will of God for our salvation. amen
Alexander Leitner2/8/2022 2:31 pm
@Common Sense: Have you read my comment? They are schismatics, there is no doubt. And yes, if the other local churches will NOT also break communion and take action they are also schismatics. But I am sure they will not follow the schismatics. Not the Serbian Orthodox Church (I know many Hierarchs), Ukrainian, Georgian, Bulgarian... You will see it!
Herman2/8/2022 7:21 am
These matters should strictly be between the bishop of the priest and the bishop of the jurisdiction. There is no fruit from politics in the Church, nor articles like this. All this causes is dissension within the Church. We are called to love our brother, not hate and smear our weaker brother. We continue to wound the body by acting like the world, we are not meant to be like the world, but hate the things of the world. If we love the world, then we don't love Christ.
Demetrios2/8/2022 2:10 am
Remember, dear Author, that you will give account not only for the things you say and write, but also what you have omitted. Fr. George's comment about dog kennels. Your biased reporting will be taken up, if not by anyone else, at least by Christ.
Common Sense2/7/2022 11:55 pm
Alexander, If the Patriarch of Alexandria were schismatic, then the other Primates would be schismatics as well since they’re in communion with him. Your claim falls apart very easily. :)
Alexander Leitner2/7/2022 11:05 pm
@Coomon Sense: I don't know if you missed the last 2 years? THERE IS NO ORTHODOX PATRIARCH OF ALEXANDRIA YET. HE IS A SCHISMATIC. No Ecumenical Synod is speaking of schismatics. Whats about the coptic Pope? Stop posting nonsense and get the facts right. The Patriarch of Alexandria went into schism and all with him. This is not a thing of the Russian Orthodox Church! It is a PAN ORTHODOX THING. All true orthodox Christians will follow. This was only the beginning. Next will be Constantinople, Greece,...The people need Orthodoxy and not apostates, schismatics and CUA Patriarchs. There is no need to blame Russians also Sebians, Bulgariens...also agree here. I hope they soon together officially condemn these schismatics and apostates. BARTHOLOMEW, IERONYMOS, THEODOROS...
Ion2/7/2022 10:19 pm
Makarios, Metropolitan of Nairobi, is a very serious and respected hierarch, a spiritual son of St Sophrony of Essex. He became a missionary following the advices of St Sophrony and St Paissios of Mt Athos. He is not a Church apparatchik. It is unjust to generalize. There are good and bad clergymen everywhere. The ROC should avoid doing in Africa what the OCU did in Ukraine. Africa cannot become the playground of diputes of high ranking clergymen in Europe....The judgment of God will be very severe towards us...
Alex2/7/2022 10:11 pm
Well, what did you think was going to happen? Alexandria blundered by recognizing the Ukrainian schismatics, and now their priests don't want to have anything to do with them. It's called karma!
Ivan G.2/7/2022 9:19 pm
@Michael I don’t know for who you are talking about but i know for sure that Abp. Makarios built over 150 churches, and is constantly doing what he can and you can see this on their websites. I don’t know about others though. Only God knows the solution for this, but i do n’t see that this can be a long term solution what is happening right now… too much hate. Its not like the Russians are saints cmon Michael. Patriarch K. kisses with the Pope. So what will these priests do when(if) Moscow Pat. unites with the catholics?
Common Sense2/7/2022 7:32 pm
Michael, Bishop Neophyte of Nyeri is a native Kenyan. "The Greeks" did not "use Africa" to collect money. The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa is the only canonical Church in Africa. This is confirmed by the Ecumenical Councils and Pan-Orthodox recognition. These priests which defect to the anti-canonical ROC "Exarchate of Africa" (which coincidentally has locations near the Wagner Bases) are schismatics for disobeying their local bishops. The Orthodox Church *of Russia* has no business being in Africa. How dare you insinuate that the very Church established by Saint Mark the Evangelist is inauthentic? Take your "as a Greek-American" mumbo jumbo elsewhere.
Theodoros2/7/2022 7:06 pm
This is a very ugly incident playing out while Patriarch Bartholomew watches with indifference to the widening schism and tensions. What do the bishops of Alexandria not understand about establishing communion with schismatic in Ukraine? The bishops of Alexandria are fully aware that they are in the wrong considering their Patriarch originally supported the canonical Church in Ukraine. It is time to convene a council with or without the unfree Churches (Constantinople, Alexandria, Greece) and to formally declare patriarchs Bartholomew and Theodore deposed.
Michael2/7/2022 6:05 pm
These Greek bishops are a joke. What will they do next? Put our lands under interdict? Curse our fields? How very medieval of them. They used Africa to collect money from the Greek Foreign ministry and fly the Greek flag for decades but did precious little to spread the Gospel. Even less than the dozen or so useless so-called bishops and metropolitans who haunt the Phanar. As a Greek living in America they all make me sick. Here they are laying the groundwork to take the titles to all Greek churches in America. They did not build this. Our grandparents and great grandparents did with their dimes and quarters. These clowns loot our assets to fly back first class for summer-long vacations in villas, and then cry for more money. I believe the Church of Russia will build an authentic African Orthodox Church just as the OCA is doing in America.
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