Iriga, Tanzania, May 4, 2022
Another mass Baptism was celebrated in Tanzania on Holy Saturday this year.
“We experienced another Pentecost at our Mission Center in Irgia, Tanzania … which came before the Resurrection, with the Baptism of 228 of our native brothers,” reports the St. Dionysios Missionary House of the Diocese of Arusha and Central Tanzania of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
The Baptisms and Chrismations were celebrated by Metropolitan Agathonikos of Arusha and diocesan clergy.
“We humbly wish that the Holy Light from the Life-Giving Tomb would illuminate the souls of our brothers and guide their steps on the path of life, headed for the Lord Himself!” the report exclaims.
A special meal was then offered for all attendees.
51 people were baptized in the Tanzanian village of Karama in December.
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