Moscow church holds first service in 100 years

Moscow, August 8, 2022

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The feast of the Equal-to-the-Apostles St. Mary Magdalene, August 4, was a historic moment for the eponymously-titled church at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), which saw its first Divine service in 100 years.

Thousands of churches throughout the Soviet Union were closed last century by the godless authorities, and the process of reviving the liturgical life in these churches continues to this day.

In particular, a thanksgiving moleben was celebrated in the historic house Church of St. Mary by clergy who have graduated from BMSTU, reports the deanery of the Bogoyavlsensky District of Moscow.

The graduates, teachers, staff, and students of the university have been looking forward to the revival of the church for a long time, noted Fr. Dmitry Danilov.

“May the protection of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene be over everyone who runs the university and who teaches and studies within these walls!” the priest wished.

OrthoChristian has reported on the restoration of the liturgical life at a number of churches after the long years of Soviet persecution, including a church in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin in 2018

, a church at the St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg in April 2021, a church in Moldova that May, another church in Tatarstan that August, an Old Rite church outside of Moscow that September, another Nizhny Novgorod church in February of this year, and another church in Tatarstan last month.


The Church of St. Mary Magdalene was consecrated in 1832, in memory of Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna, who founded the craft workshops that eventually developed into BMSTU.

In 1918, the church was closed, though a funeral was served there in March 1921. After that, the iconostasis and liturgical utensils were dismantled and the room was used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 2016, the Orthodox students, teachers, and graduates of BMSTU began to formally celebrate the feast of St. Mary with a moleben at a nearby church and a procession along the walls of the university.

And this year, the celebration came to the historical house church itself, which is largely used for university ceremonial functions today.

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Panagiotis8/9/2022 4:51 am
This is great news! Glory be to our God! God is happy every time one of his houses are built, I.E. Orthodox Churches. Thousands upon thousands of Orthodox Churches and Monasteries have been built or repaired since the fall of monster communism. While in the West the churches of the weak protestants and Catholics are becoming empty or have closed..... The communists were more than just "Godless", they were outright anti-christian demons straight out of the pits of hell! They destroyed tens of thousands, if not more, of Orthodox Churches, Monasteries and Schools. They murdered tens of millions of Orthodox People, including little children, women, and elderly. They took pleasure out of savagely torturing and killing people because they had great hatred for the Orthodox People and for the Russian People and Ukrainian People. Only satanic animals do this. Also, it saddens me that some of my Russian Brothers continue to believe that many of the Russian people were atheists or weak in their faith, and believe this lack of faith is why communism came to Holy Orthodox Russia. This is not true! The vast majority of Russian People were strong in their faith, but they were overwhelmed by the powerful internationalists. Where do you think the vast amounts of money came from to finance the revolution? The Revolution was financed by cohesive internationalists from all over the world, including from the financial elite of the West. The devious internationalists spent massive amounts of money for their Communist Revolution. Sinister internationalists from all over the world flooded into Russia, and organized and directed the Communist Revolution. Some of them were internationalists born within the Russian Empire. Many of the Communist and Bolshevik leaders changed their names, thereby concealing their non-Russian ethnicity from the Russian People. It was not a so-called Russian Revolution but an Internationalist Revolution. That is why they called their new nation the USSR and not Russia! But communism is now finished. And we are still here. Orthodox Churches are being rebuilt all over Russia. Is this why the West hates my Russian Brothers? I hope my Greek Brothers and others are reading this, and I hope they are not brainwashed by the powerful internationalist propaganda machine. You need to study history like a detective, and you need to put the pieces of the puzzle together. When you understand the past, then you will understand the living present, and you will understand the future. Don't believe everything that you here or read from the West and its institutions and entities. Don't let them divide us. We must stay united as Orthodox Christians....... Just my humble opinion.
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