Konitsa, Greece, November 10, 2022
Photo: Romfea
St. Nektarios of Aegina was a great man of God and a great defender of the Orthodox truth, says His Eminence Metropolitan Andreas of Dryinoupolis, Pogoniani and Konitsa.
Therefore, the faithful should emulate him and beseech his prayerful help to have the courage to stand up for the faith, the hierarch said in his homily yesterday for the feast of the great 20th-century Holy Hierarch and Wonderworker, reports Romfea.
“St. Nektarios is one of the most popular and beloved saints of our Church. He went through much bitterness and sorrow in his life,” Met. Andreas preached. “However, because his heart was directed upwards, towards God, he managed to overcome the poverty and slander he received.”
The beloved saint teaches us “to have our heart, our attention, our mind directed to God, and not to earthly things that come and pass very quickly and disappear.” Though a Christian lives on earth, he lives as if in Heaven, Met. Andreas said, referring to the ancient Epistle to Diognetus.
“But apart from the model of virtue he gives us, St. Nektarios was also a fighter for Orthodoxy,” the hierarch emphasized, noting that the Holy Hierarch wrote two volumes about the fallacies of the Papacy.
And we Orthodox Christians must be very careful, because the movement towards the Pope is being revived today, Met. Andreas warns, with Orthodox hierarchs praying with “Papist and Christians of other denominations.”
When we see this, we mustn’t shout and curse, but we must protest, the Metropolitan counsels.
“Let us not forget this, and let us not be deceived by what’s shown on TV,” Met. Andreas continued. “It shows greetings, embraces … in Rome, the Phanar, and wherever. So, I repeat, we need to be very careful,” because the Papacy continues its propaganda, deception, and fraud.
“Let us stick to our ancestral customs and traditions, to the Orthodox faith, which our fathers handed down to us with rivers of blood and sacrifices,” the Metropolitan encouraged.
The times are difficult and wicked, and we must fight to defend the faith and for our salvation, the hierarch said. And we must fervently call upon God and His saints, including the great wonderworker St. Nektarios, to give us the strength and courage we need to remain on the path of Orthodoxy and reach the Kingdom of Heaven.
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