Cancer-stricken 3-year-old gets $10,000+ for treatment from Romanian diocese

Titu, Dâmbovița County, Romania, February 20, 2023

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Thanks to the love and efforts of the clergy and faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Târgoviște, a cancer-stricken young child may have a fighting chance.

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Nifon of Târgoviște, the priests of the Titu Deanery organized a collection at their parishes to help a local 3-year-old child suffering from leukemia.

In all, they managed to raise $10,450 (48,000 lei), the Archdiocese reports.

The funds were delivered to the child’s family on Friday as “an expression of human love and solidarity … with the hope that the treatment will lead to his speedy recovery.”

Such gestures are very common in the Archdiocese. In August

, OrthoChristian reported that $24,800 were raised for specialized treatments for two people. In December, two parishes from the Archdiocese donated shoes, jackets, toys, and candy to students and needy families, worth more than $3,455.

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