Dozens united to Christ in mass Baptism in Tanzania

Isera, Shinyaga Region, Tanzania, January 16, 2023

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The feast of the Baptism of Christ was blessed this year with the Baptism of dozens of new Orthodox Christians in the Patriarchate of Alexandria’s Diocese of Bukoba.

On that day, 60 people received the washing of regeneration in the village of Isera in the Shinyaga Region in western Tanzania following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Bukoba, reports the Orthodoxia News Agency.


According to the Agency, this is the first time that Orthodoxy has come to the Shinyaga District, being the first Baptisms after the missionary work of Fr. Joachim Mponto.

It is planned to eventually establish a parish in the city of Shinyaga, dedicated to St. Paisios the Athonite.

Mass Baptisms are a common occurrence throughout Tanzania and Africa. Last year, 22 people were baptized

together on the feast of the Transfiguration in the Bukoba Diocese.

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