Conference on Kollyvades Father and their successors announced for early December, Arizona

Florence, Arizona, October 10, 2024

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Uncut Mountain Press has announced a conference to be held in Florence, Arizona, in early December, dedicated to “Torches of Truth: The Kollyvades Fathers and Their Successors.”

This is the follow-up to the Press’ conference on the 8th Ecumenical Council and the Condemnation of the Filioque held in Alabama last fall.

The Kollyvades Fathers, most notably including Sts. Makarios of Corinth, Nikodemos the Hagiorite, and Athanasios of Paros were a group of Orthodox monks and theologians who emerged in the late 18th century on Mt. Athos. They were part of a spiritual and intellectual movement aimed at revitalizing Orthodox spirituality and practice. They were responsible for the compilation of the Orthodox classic The Philokalia.

The conference speakers will explore the lives, teachings, and times of the Kollyvades Fathers and also look at those who are “followers of the Holy Fathers” today, including the holy Athonite Elder Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona. The conference, to be held December 5–6, is timed to conclude on the eve of the anniversary of Elder Ephraim’s repose, which will be prayerfully commemorated at St. Anthony’s Monastery in Florence on December 7.

Speakers include:

  • Archimandrite Nikodemos (Barousis), Abbot of the Holy Monastery of the Panagia Chrysopodoritissa, Chrysopigi (Achaia), Greece: Western Baptism: The “Study” of Dorotheos Voulismas, St. Paisius Velichkovsky, and the Kollyvades Fathers

  • Archimandrite Gregorios Estephan, Abbot of Holy Dormition Orthodox Monastery in Bkeftine, Lebanon: “Following the Holy Fathers”: The Chief Characteristic of an Orthodox Christian Then and Now

  • Archpriest Peter Heers, founder and head of Uncut Mountain Press and Orthodox Ethos: Successors of the Kollyvades: St. Joseph the Hesychast and Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona

  • Constantine Zalalas, founder of St. Nikodemos Publications and international speaker: The Essence of the Kollyvadic Spirit and Its Significance Today

In addition to individual presentations, the conference will also feature Q&A sessions and a roundtable discussion with the speakers.

For more information and registration for the conference, visit the site of Uncut Mountain Press.

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