Helping St. Herman’s Helpers. An Address to Those Who Wish to Help the Alaska Clergy

On this winter feast of St. Herman of Alaska, we would like to draw our readers’ attention to the present day Alaska Diocese, where the blessed clergy is a mix of Aleut, Tlingit, Eskimos, and mixed-raced Russian and native peoples—the descendants of our Holy Father Herman’s dear ones. Let’s watch Bishop Alexei (Trader) of Alaska as he talks about the renewal of the clergy fund in his historical diocese.


Dear Friends and Benefactors of the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska,

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

On the occasion of the winter feast of the patron of North America, Saint Herman of Alaska, the Orthodox Church in America announced the Third Annual Collection for the Clergy Endowment of the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska. There is a certain joy and peace that comes to any of us when we take care of our brothers and sisters in need of our help. And that joy becomes even greater when we can practically see that help making lives a bit better by the grace of God who nudges us to be co-laborers with Him.  


I am writing to you today not only to offer you again another opportunity to give before Christmas, but also to show you how your offering is being distributed to the faithful priests of the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska. On October 27th, the faithful Alaskan clergy received a disbursement check from the Diocese in a way that connects each of them to the work of first missionaries and that connects each of you to the generosity of the first patrons of our diocese, such as Saint John of Krondstadt and the many who gave in Imperial Russia, so that the mission would be a success. In my word to the clergy, I explained to them how the endowment will work and that through God’s mercy, the support for clergy that was first provided to them in lands of Alaska in the 1790s is now being restored in 2024, because they have good Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters who care in the Orthodox Churches of America. I also reminded them that they should receive their stipends with the dignity of a worthy servant of the Lord, keeping in mind the words of Saint Paul to the Apostle Timothy, “the labourer is worthy of his reward” (1 Timothy 4:9).  For those interested in my pastoral word to my clergy about the endowment, a video of that address can be found here.


In closing, I would just like to share with you that I have received warm responses from the clergy, expressing their gratitude, telling me how they would buy food in the big city (of Anchorage), and that at least for a little while, life will be a bit easier for their families and loved ones. That is because of your love and your help. May it continue to the Glory of God born in Bethlehem as a little child.


With much gratitude in Christ,

+Bishop Alexei

+Allgiliyaq Kilirnaq

+Епископ Алексий

The God-protected Diocese of Sitka and Alaska


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