Orthodox Christians Celebrate Holy Pascha


SOURCE: International Business Times

By Simi John

May 06, 2013

Orthodox Christians around the world celebrated the Easter or the Holy Pascha. The Orthodox believe Pascha to be the most ancient and important celebration of Christianity, with the services similar to the one held at the tomb of Christ in Jerusalem since the third century.

On the eve of Orthodox Easter, thousands of Christians gathered in Jerusalem's ancient Church of the Holy Sepulchre for the Holy Fire ceremony. They believe that the fire is sent from heaven to ignite candles held by the Greek Orthodox patriarch. The centuries-old annual rite, which symbolises the resurrection of Jesus, is thought to date from the ninth century.

Russian President Vladimir Putin wished Orthodox Christians and all Russians celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

“The Easter gives joy and hope to millions of people, inspires for good deeds and noble aspirations. It turns them to original spiritual values that play a special role in Russia’s history and feed the national culture,” the Kremlin press office quoted Putin as saying in his congratulatory letter.

“The Church incessantly cares about strengthening high moral and ethical ideals and family traditions in society and upbringing the younger generation. The Church does a lot to solve pressing social problems,” he added.

Scroll down to take a look at Orthodox Christians celebrating Easter around the world.


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