The Abkhazian Constitution now officially bans abortions

Moscow, April 1, 2016

The president of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba has signed into law an amendment to the republic’s constitution aimed at state protection for the life of mothers and unborn children.


To this law, chapter 2 of the Abkhazian constitution, is added another article which reads: "Abkhazia recognizes the value and inviolability of family life and takes measures in order to protect and strengthen the family as a fundamental and independent institution. The state equally safeguards the life of the mother and the unborn child.’

The amendment to the constitution was passed by the Abkhazian Parliament on March 21.

R. Khajimba signed the law banning abortions in the republic on February 9.

The initiator of the constitutional amendment was Deputy Saeed Kharazia. He explained it in that “abortion is the artificial reduction of the already small population of Abkhazia." According to the deputy’s information, since 1993 11,900 abortions have been performed in Abkhazia.

According to the main obstetrician-gynecologist of Abkhazia Rita Trapsh, around 700 abortions were performed in 2015, only fifteen of which were done for medical reasons. But in most cases, the doctor says, women have abortions because of social issues.

Translated by Dmitry Lapa


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