Memorial services for Russian Il-76 crash victims to be served in churches of Irkutsk region

Source: Interfax-Religion

Irkutsk, south-western Siberia, Russia, July 4, 2016


Monday July 4 has been declared a day of mourning in Russia’s Irkutsk region in connection with the crash on July 1 of the Ilyushin-76 jet of the Ministry for Emergency Situations which was involved in extinguishing forest fires.

On the day of mourning flags of the region and its municipal divisions will be at half-mast throughout the Irkutsk region.

Memorial services for the repose of the souls of the crash victims will be held at Orthodox churches. Cultural centers and television and radio broadcasting companies which are active within the region are recommended not to hold entertainment events and not to transmit entertainment shows on this day.

The Il-76 jet which was involved in fighting massive wildfires failed to establish contact at 6:30 AM on July 1. The emergency rescue team found the crashed Il-76 to the south of the Rybny Uyan settlement on the slope of a hill. There were ten crew members on board, all of whom were killed.

Translated by Dmitry Lapa



Sally Iloff7/5/2016 1:33 am
God Bless their souls!
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