Issues of spiritual security in information society to be discussed at Kiev Caves Lavra

Source: Union of Orthodox Journalists

Kiev, September 6, 2016


The Theological and Canonical Commission of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC-MP) held a round table dedicated to the topic of “Issues of spiritual security in the information society," on September 6, 2016, with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine at the Kiev Caves Lavra, reports the Union of Orthodox Journalists.

The meeting’s participants discussed practical and theological matters related to the protection of personal freedoms in the developing information society.

The discussion is a result of a large number of appeals from the Orthodox faithful to the Church hierarchy with concrete questions which require further reflection on such basic terms as: “personality," “name," “will;" along with such legislatively fixed terms as: “individual," “physical person," “consent to personal data processing," “biometric parameters," “electronic identification," “verification,” and so forth.

The theological section of the conference included answers from archpastors, pastors and theologians to questions of the faithful, including “How can I keep my personal identity whole, without renouncing Christ?," “How can I guard myself against camouflaged idolatry?," “How can we, those having ears, hear what the Spirit says to the Churches?," and “How can I avoid involuntarily participating in lawless acts?”

The organizers hope that the discussion of the hierarchs, clergy, and experts together with the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will enable them to formulate (in the light of the Gospel truth) a balanced attitude towards those risks to the salvation of our immortal souls with which modern Christians are faced, and will give them courage to witness to the Truth of Christ.

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