Overwhelming majority of Ukrainians against same-sex “marriages," debauchery on TV, and spread of drugs – poll

Kiev, September 12, 2016


According to a survey conducted by the RATING Pro analytical center, a larger number of Ukrainian residents are faithful to the conservative moral values, reports the information and education department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC-MP) with reference to the think tank’s official website.

According to the results of RATING Pro’s survey, the views of Ukrainian citizens became more conservative over the period 2012-2016: in their view, access to soft drugs, same-sex relations, free arms trade and prostitution should be banned first of all.

Ukrainians’ negative attitude towards same-sex “marriages” has increased in all socio-demographic groups. Almost seventy per cent of respondents state that such relations should be totally prohibited in Ukraine, fifteen per cent believe that they should be substantially restricted, and only eight per cent are against any restrictions.

Likewise, an overwhelming majority (around eighty per cent) of Ukrainian residents strongly oppose any erotic and explicitly sexual films on television. About half of the respondents (forty-six per cent) strongly support full prohibition of such movies on TV, while thirty-two per cent suggest that they should be restricted.

Over half of those asked (fifty-three per cent) agree that prostitution in Ukraine should be totally prohibited. Nearly the same number of respondents (fifty-two per cent) oppose abortions. Twenty-five per cent of Ukrainians support a full ban on abortions, and twenty-seven per cent believe that they should be substantially restricted.

An overwhelming majority of respondents (eighty-five per cent) are for a total ban on soft drugs in the country, ten per cent say they should be seriously restricted and only three per cent state that access to such substances should not be restricted at all.

By order of the RATING Pro analytic center, the opinion poll was conducted by the “Rating” sociological group. From June 21 to 28, 2016, 2200 respondents were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, excepting the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (now in Russia) and parts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions which are currently not under the control of Ukraine. The margin of error is 2.1%.

Translated by Dmitry Lapa



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