Abortion is dreadful murder says Archimandrite Ephraim

Holy Mount Athos, September 30, 2016


In the course of shooting the documentary “Athos – for Life!” the crew of Sobor.by had the opportunity to visit Holy Mount Athos and to talk with Archimandrite Ephraim, Abbot of the great Vatopedi Monastery. The elder answered a question about abortion.

“You need to work hard and to do your best in order to live according to Church rules, if you want to seriously combat abortion. Today people easily kill each other – parents kill their own children. We are praying on Holy Mount Athos, and you should try and explain to people that abortion is dreadful murder. A heavy responsibility lies on the shoulders of those who allow abortions. A crime is committed by physicians, parents and the woman who gets an abortion. Abortions are prohibited in Muslim countries. But, unfortunately, in our countries where we keep the truth of Orthodoxy they are legalized – and that is very sad. That is why all of us must struggle with the murder which is called abortion,” he said.

Translated by Dmitry Lapa



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