Schism is the work of satan, Primate of Polish Orthodox Church says

Source: Union of Orthodox Journalists

Warsaw, September 29, 2016


His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa (Hrycuniak) of Warsaw and All Poland, primate of the Polish Orthodox Church, believes that a true Orthodox Christian will never yield to the dark forces of evil which are responsible for Church schisms.

“This is the work of satan and schism is a pain for all of us,” the primate of the Polish Orthodox Church said. “All sober-minded Orthodox Christians aim to keep all people of faith in unity and to prevent any splits. And when there is unity, the evil one strives to create disorder. But the sober Orthodox should understand that this is the work of satan and to struggle against it. Otherwise we are not Orthodox Christians but are only pretending to be Orthodox. If I am Orthodox then I love God, love the Church, and my people, and aspire to unity. But if I do not understand this, then am I really Orthodox?”

Translated by Dmitry Lapa

Union of Orthodox Journalists


Anthony10/3/2016 5:08 pm
Sorry. That depends on what kind of unity we're talking about here. There can be no unity in love without Truth. There are those who are attacking the Church from within. The phanar of Constantinople is the prime example. Whilst we shouldn't be setting up new "churches" we should be separating ourselves from these snakes inside the Church. Athonite Monk Savvas was asked a question about whether a person should commune with a bishop who is a known supporter of ecumenism. His response was clear. No. Would you go and commune in a latin "church" where you knew heresy existed. No. St Anthony the Great warned people not to have anything to do with heretics. In his day the heresy was Arianism. Today its ecumenism.
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