New York City, October 7, 2016

A crucifix depicting Christ with a woman’s figure was installed at the Episcopalian Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, more than thirty years after it had been displayed at the cathedral for the first time, reports The New York Times.
The crucifix, called “Christa” was created by artist Edwina Sandys. The scandalous work was condemned when it was first exposed to the public back in 1984. Then it was qualified as “theologically and historically inexcusable.”
However, today the point of view of American Episcopalians about this “masterpiece” has changed radically. Bishop Andre Dietsche of New York of the Episcopalian Church of the USA has said that “a believer may be prepared to see ‘Christa’ not only as a work of art, but also as an object of faith.” The bishop abstrusely noted that it is possible in the process of the “development, growth, and study of the Church.”
I thought Christ came down to man in order to save him, He didn't expect man to save himself. He didn't say, I'll stay away because I might get defiled!
Seriously, how are these people going to get the truth if not by the people who know it, you were trusted with it, who guarded it. You cannot help someone by staying put.
And if you love your enemies as Christ instructed us to, and you see them lost, do you not leave the 99 and go and try to help them?
And is our faith as a Church so weak, so easily swayed, so easily changed, that we should stay away just in case we get defiled? If so then woe to us.
Even the simplest visual and verbal contacts with them should be avoided; their simple presence is enough to defile the room and every Christian in it!
It's with people like these that our hierarchies still continue to meet in the so-called "world council of churches".
It's an abomination to the Lord, a disgrace that must be stopped!!!