Patriarch Bartholomew belongs in anathemas on Sunday of Orthodoxy, believes Met. Luke of Zaporozhye

Zaporozhye, Ukraine, December 7, 2020

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Following recent events in the Cypriot Orthodox Church, hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have begun to speak more forthrightly about the sad state of affairs in the Orthodox Church today, caused by the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s invasion of Ukrainian Church territory and the ecclesiological underpinnings of such actions.

Last week

, His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, simply declared: “Pan-Orthodox unity no longer exists.”

“Moreover, the Orthodox world is facing a new and very dangerous schism. Its basis is the thirst for individual power, and its main tool is the willingness to ignore the canons, the truth, and the conscience in the process of achieving this goal,” Met. Anthony added.

“A defective and malicious copy of world Orthodoxy is now being built before our eyes,” he observed.

Similarly, His Eminence Metropolitan Theodore of Kamenets and Podolsk writes that “the current crisis of Orthodoxy […] stems primarily from a lack of understanding of the nature of the Church of Christ and the introduction of worldly tools to solve the problem of unity in the Church. In this case, preference is given to external unity, which is provided by human efforts, while internal unity is the result of Divine action and remaining in grace, which gives life force to this unity.”

“By replacing Divine wisdom with human knowledge that asserts human pride and arrogance, one cannot achieve unity. Unity can be realized only through acceptance of Divine institutions and assistance from above,” Met. Theodore writes penetratingly.

On the other hand, His Eminence Metropolitan Luke of Zaporozhye has always been outspoken. In the fall of 2018, when Patriarch Bartholomew brazenly sent letters to the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, inviting them to a so-called “unification council” on their own ecclesiastical territory, Met. Luke responded

to the “loyal subject of the Turkish Republic, Mr. Bartholomew!”, reminding him that his predecessors in Constantinople likewise used the faith in such political games, thus bringing about the fall of the empire.

In a new statement published on his Telegram channel on November 30, Met. Luke writes that, “It’s time to call a spade a spade.”

Church unity can no longer be spoken of, he writes, and the blame is on the global elites and their “puppet,” the “heretic and blasphemer” Pat. Bartholomew.

In fact, together with those who do his bidding, Pat. Bartholomew should be publicly anathematized in the service of Triumph of Orthodoxy, Met. Luke believes.

His full statement reads:

We can no longer speak of Church unity. A schism has taken place in the Orthodox world. This is already a fiat accompli. The initiators of this schism are the global elites, who today are openly building a new world order. One of the puppets of this anti-Christian strategy is the heretic and blasphemer Dimitry Archontikis, who considers himself the Patriarch of Constantinople, together with the other Judases who have joined him, those who sacrifice the purity of the faith and life in accordance with the canons of the Church for their own comfort and well-being. In as much as the criminal deeds of these individuals have surpassed all previous heretical atrocities in their scale, I believe it necessary to include the former Patriarch of Constantinople and his henchmen with those individuals upon whom “anathema” is proclaimed during the service of the Triumph of Orthodoxy in the first week of Great Lent.

We must also recognize and openly proclaim to the faithful children of the Church of Christ, that the events that are now developing in the world community indicate that there is at work in the world an active building of an open global society, which is founded on anti-Christian values. “The great masons” running the construction will not shy away from even the most anti-human methods so as to implement their plans. For the first time in world history, they have used bacteriological weapons on a global scale to create a pandemic and the deaths of many innocent people.

This is the first step in a carefully crafted, multilayered plan which has as its goal the reconstruction of human civilization itself. The network of one of them—Soros—with its army of politicians, journalists, and liberal secular and religious figures, is actively working to destroy the old world, preparing the world for a new centralized system of government that will exert control over every aspect of human society. In the religious sector, this work is spearheaded by the Vatican together with the Patriarch of Constantinople, and a coalition of radical, heterodox extremist groups.

The modern achievements in digital computer technologies, genetic engineering, and so forth, can fully ensure this new world order, which is the satanic plan for a society of enslaved humanity. There will be few left in the world who will be faithful to Christ, but understanding the essence of what is taking place, we, as Christians, have reason to rejoice. And when these things begin to come to pass, rise up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draweth near (Lk. 21:28). The heart of a true believing person lives not in fear of the coming sorrows, but rather in the hope of soon meeting Christ.

Last month

, Met. Luke called on Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus to repent of his sin of entering into communion with the Ukrainian schismatics, who are “blasphemers dressed-up in priestly vestments.”

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