Serbian Holy Synod objects to same-sex unions draft law

Belgrade, March 25, 2021

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The Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church has submitted an official objection to the draft law on same-sex unions currently being considered by the Serbian government.

Serbia’s Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue Gordana Čomić announced in November that work was underway on a draft law on homosexual unions. Among the bill’s stipulations are that same-sex unions would be legally recognized and that a same-sex partner would be allowed to inherit from their partner and to participate in medical decisions and visit partners in prison, and several other points. The bill was presented for public consultation last month.

Expressing the teaching of the Orthodox faith, the hierarchs state in their press release that the bill is “unacceptable” because it largely contradicts the Gospel of Christ and the “overall experience and practice of the Church,” which is the foundation for Serbian and European civilization.

Further, it is “inadmissible” to legally equate same-sex unions with traditional marriage, “because marital union is discriminated in this way, as a Christian and legally protected value.” At the same time, the Church respects God-given freedom and the human desire to express this freedom in different ways.

The Synod agrees that those with whom the draft law is concerned have the need to exercise to certain rights, but points out that they can be exercised administratively, “without interfering with marital and family legislation.”

The Synod concludes with a call for a dialogue to resolve “all issues of general social importance,” and this issue in particular, and expresses “the expectation that the arguments of the Serbian Orthodox Church on this issue will be respected.”

Montenegro legalized gay civil unions last summer

, and Kosovo also began to pave the way.

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Tatu3/26/2021 4:55 pm
No surprise when you have Ana Brnabić, who is a lesbian, as the Prime Minister of Serbia married (???) with Milica Đurđić...
John3/26/2021 4:54 pm
The Church obviously has no power in today's society to strip people of their so-called "civil rights," but the Church should uphold the principle that such "rights" and "equalities" do not exist -- and should not. The Church must never pay even lip service to such liberal notions.
Basil3/26/2021 12:13 am
"His will also requires us to recognize that all people must be treated with civil equality" No, it doesn't. read the Bible. Abominations are not to be tolerated.
Paul F MD3/25/2021 8:20 pm
This is another Globalist/American institution forced on Orthodox Serbia by the Washington establishment in exchange for financial assistance and/or lack of financial sanctions on their economy. There is little that can be done against this financial blackmail short of discarding the dollar in all financial transactions worldwide.
Seraphima3/25/2021 7:34 pm
This seems like a balanced response. God"s will for man's salvation must be expressed, an aspect of which is His design for one-man-with-one-woman marriage. His will also requires us to recognize that all people must be treated with civil equality, and to be allowed their God-given freedom of choice. At the Judgment, God will determine the salvific outcome of our individual behaviors and choices, not we, ourselves.
John3/25/2021 5:05 pm
The Church Hierarchy AND Laity must do absolutely everything in their power to stop the cancer of so-called 'gay rights.' Look what has become of the Latin church by letting wickedness multiply without effective opposition. No mercy for those who allow the minds of children and young people to be corrupted.
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