Greece: Two nuns tragically die in monastery fire

Ypsilandis, Boeotia Region, Greece, February 5, 2024

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Tragedy struck the Monastery of St. Nicholas in Ypsilandis, Boeotia, Greece, last week, as the bodies of two nuns were found in their cells.

One was found with burns inside the cell where a fire had broken out, while the second, who lived next door, had possibly died from inhaling fumes, reports Romfea.

Parishioners of the monastery became worried when the nuns didn’t answer their calls for several days. According to Greek City Times, one of the nuns was the 77-year-old abbess, the other—her younger sister.

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The parishioners informed the local mayor, who, together with a group of police officers and firefighters, rushed to the monastery, which had been closed in recent days due to snow. The doors to the cells were locked, and they had to call a locksmith. Upon entering the cells, they found the bodies of the nuns.

According to the fire department, the fire, possibly caused by an electric heater, was already extinguished by the time they arrived on Thursday night.

May the memories of the departed nuns be eternal!

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