Portuguese Orthodox prayer book published for first time

Lisbon, April 12, 2021

Photo: orthodoxspain.com Photo: orthodoxspain.com     

Another invaluable text in the life of all Orthodox Christians has been published for the benefit of our Portuguese-speaking brethren.

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Nestor of Madrid and Lisbon, a Portuguese Orthodox prayer book, Devocionário Ortodox, has been published for the first time, reports the Diocese of Spain and Portugal of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The new edition contains the morning and evening prayers, canons, akathists, the rule for Holy Communion, and Psalms and hymns included in the Church services.

The text was translated and published by the labors of Igumen Peter (Pruteanu) and Hierodeacon Jerome (Thomaz) of the Church of St. John Chrysostom in Cascais, who also worked on the service book for clergy and choir that was published in 2019


“We hope this work will be useful not only for Portuguese, Brazilians and other Lusophones who accept Orthodoxy, but also for Roman Catholics who are increasingly interested in Orthodox worship,” said Igumen Peter.

The 230-page book is published in both hard and softcover by the famous Portuguese-Brazilian Catholic publishing house Paulus, which will promote the book in bookstores in Portugal and Brazil.

The Philokalia was published in Portuguese in 2017


Several churches and monasteries have opened in Portugal in recent years. In 2017

, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church opened two parishes, the Romanian Church consecrated a monastery in 2019, and the Russian Church began construction on a new church last year.

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Ruth Burkett11/20/2024 8:09 pm
Greetings in Christ, our God! I am an American who lived in Brazil from 1969-1971, and was Baptized an Orthodox Christian in 1988. Now, you have fulfilled my dream of going to Portugal, only hesitating because there was no church for me in Portugal! Glory to God! How can I purchase the Portuguese Philokalia and Prayer Book? These books are a gift to the world! I am very grateful, and hope to come to your church! Deepest love in Christ, Ruth
Editor8/14/2021 11:16 pm
Mary: https://paulus.pt/devocionario-ortodoxo-capa-dura
Mary Maglaras8/14/2021 9:29 pm
Where can i purchase the Liturgy book
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