Tanzania: 150+ Baptisms, 8 weddings at one parish (+VIDEO)

Kiamantzura, Kagera Region, Tanzania, May 18, 2022

Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr     

Another mass Baptism was celebrated in Africa, this time at a parish in northwestern Tanzania.

155 people of all ages were recently baptized at the Church of St. Barbara in Kiamantzura. The celebration was presided over by Bishop Chrysostomos of Bukoba and Western Tanzania of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, reports the Orthdoxia News Agency.

Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr     

8 weddings were also festively celebrated.

“Our priests continue to lead, regenerate, and enlighten the souls of our native brothers. They catechize, baptize, chrismate, marry, guide, and literally thresh Kagera and Western Tanzania, carrying the light of Holy Orthodoxy,” Bp. Chrysostomos said.

“Literally the Holy Spirit “filled” this parish at the Divine Liturgy, where the church couldn’t even accommodate the multitude of believers,” the report reads.

OrthoChristian has reported on many such mass Baptisms throughout Africa, and in Tanzania in particular. Most recently, it was reported that more than 500 people were baptized throughout Tanzania in September last year

, more than 50 were baptized in the village of Karama in December, and another 228 were baptized on Holy Saturday this year in Irgia.

Bp. Chrysostomos of Bukoba, who presided over the most recent mass Baptism, recently published

a strongly worded letter to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the leadership of the Russian Church’s African Exarchate.

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