Tanzania: Second mass Baptism in a week

Bukoba, Tanzania, May 26, 2022

Photo: imbukoba.gr Photo: imbukoba.gr     

For the second time in a week, dozens of people were baptized into holy Orthodoxy in the Bukoba and Western Tanzanian Diocese of the Patriarchate of Alexandria on Sunday.

Altogether, 61 Baptisms were celebrated at the Church of St. Eleftherios in Bukoba, on the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman—St. Photini, who labored as a missionary in North Africa, reports the Metropolis of Bukoba.

The Sacrament was presided over by Bishop Chrysostomos of Bukoba, who also led the Baptism of 155 people

of all ages just days prior.

In his homily, Bp. Chrysostomos dwelt on the Lord’s words to the Samaritan Woman that we must worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:24), explaining that the Holy Spirit Himself comes into the heart of a Christian and enables him to offer true worship. Christians can have nothing to do with the worship of the devil or magic, he emphasized. And true worship requires repentance, confession, and true belief, he said.

Photo: imbukoba.gr Photo: imbukoba.gr     

Following the Baptisms, two of the newly enlightened Christians were also crowned in marriage.

OrthoChristian has reported on many such mass Baptisms throughout Africa, and in Tanzania in particular. Most recently, it was reported that more than 500 people were baptized throughout Tanzania in September last year

, more than 50 were baptized in the village of Karama in December, another 228 were baptized on Holy Saturday this year in Irgia, and 155 were baptized in the village of Kiamantzura last week.

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