OCA Romanian Episcopate raises tens of thousands for Ukrainian refugees

Jackson, Michigan, August 12, 2022

Photo: orthodoxws.com Photo: orthodoxws.com The Romanian Episcopate of the Orthodox Church in America has raised and delivered $70,000 to assist Ukrainian refugees in Romania.

The OCA as a whole earlier raised hundreds of thousands of dollars that were then delivered to ELEOS, the humanitarian agency of the Polish Orthodox Church, to help the waves of refugees in Poland.

The Romanian Episcopate’s additional collection was taken up after His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel learned that the northwestern provinces in Romania were in need of financial aid to care for Ukrainian refugees, the OCA reports.

The $70,000 was sent directly to His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel and the Romanian Orthodox Church.

Yesterday, OrthoChristian reported that the Ukrainian Church has been donating ambulances to local hospitals. On Tuesday, it was reported that the Russian Church has raised ₽225 million for refugees and victims.

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