Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin)
The life of the soul is supported by prayer.
Olga Orlova
A person living on the land becomes self-sufficient. It is here that one can more deeply feel how God blesses human labor, and this becomes his way of life.
Life on Athos is always an ascetic struggle.
His entire life was marked by the protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, and everything he did was in fulfillment of the will of the Sovereign Lady for the strengthening of his homeland.
Archpriest Vladimir Boldin
The Lord will have mercy on the Ukrainian people. To be sure, for our own mistakes we will have to drink the bitter cup to the dregs.
All human efforts led to nothing, my possibilities were exhausted, but everything remained in its place. I walked along the canal, begging Father Seraphim to sort it out…
She became that very twelfth abbess foretold by St. Seraphim, under whom the convent was to become well-organized.
When the future abbess first entered the convent’s courtyard, she saw the same garden that she had seen in that dream...
Metropolitan Joanikyje (Micovic)
Not only did he restore churches, he regenerated people’s memories and brought them back to their roots. He brought Montenegro back to itself.
He spoke from his own experience, and knew what works. Everyone wanted to get to know him and talk to him. And he was very approachable.
Russian archpastors and pastors talk about the meaning of the trials and paradoxes of our history, the revelations about Russia, and its mission.
Hieroschemamonk Valentin (Gurevich)
How can we pray to convert a man to God? Especially your own child…
Abbess Georgia (Shchukina)
The life of every person is filled with sorrows, and a monastic especially needs to bear his or her cross. Whether a monastic or an abbot—each has his own cross, and it must be borne with dignity.
Then it was even scary to talk about Fr. John. Believers walked stealthily past the convent, making the sign of the cross secretly by the window where a cross had already been hollowed out.
Fr. Seraphim blessed me, “Go with God’s help. The Lord has chosen you. There is the will of God. It is pleasing to God and the Mother of God!”
Vladyka shook his fist at me, and I smiled at him. That’s how our life was.
We continue to publish the memories of Mother Andronika and her sister Mother Vitalia.
He cut the brick of ice cream in half, brought it to the table, and started arranging the cups—some with broken handles, with chips along the edges…
Fr. Vitaly foretold monasticism for me and my sister forty years before we adopted it.
Igumen Philaret (Tambovsky)
One year ago, the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra and a multitude of spiritual children from Moscow and other Russian cities parted with Archimandrite German (Chesnokov), who for forty years bore the extremely difficult podvig of exorcizing evil spirits.
Alexander Yarchevsky
How great it is to be real. To say what you mean. To speak the truth. To be on the move. And to suddenly turn towards Christ.
This mysterious life of the Spirit is open not only to those who reside on Holy Mount Athos.
This peacemaking in Christ with those whom we are inclined to consider our enemies is the most important work that every Christian is obligated to do in his own heart.
We are “Christians” who read prayer rules but don’t pray, abstain from meat and dairy products but don’t fast, go to church and list our sins at confession but don’t repent.
Archpriest Kirill Kaleda
Fr. Kirill Kaleda talks more about his father, the well know Fr. Gleb Kaleda, what it was like to grow up in family of a secret priest, and persecutions of the 1960s.
Archpriest Kirill Kaleda, the son of a secret priest and grandson of a New Martyr, talks about the New Martyrs of Butovo firing ground, and the people who executed them.
Archimandrite Ilya (Reyzmir)
Now many churches and monasteries have been restored and opened, but the Lavra was, is and will be the heart of Orthodoxy in Russia. It has a special mission.
Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki
His heart is overflowing with kindness, ready for the greatest sacrifice.
Archpriest Seraphim Nedosekin
Naturally, people’s first reaction in a difficult situation is panic. Then they understand that God has the power, and they must rely on Him.
Hundreds of people were executed, including women and children. About a thousand of those killed were bishops, priests, monastics, and active laypeople of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Orthodox spouses have been praying to Sts. Joachim and Anna at Holy Conception Monastery for the gift of children for centuries.
Svetlana Luganskaya
He would take into his care all who were slandered, defamed, stigmatized, had gotten into trouble and didn’t even turn to him. But Vladyka would learn about that, immediately call and help, protect, support and save.
On September 29/October 12 the Church honors the memory of the New Hieromartyr John (Pommer). It brings enormous joy to read his letters and sermons, to plunge into his radiant, fierce and mighty struggle while reading his scenes from his Life. But do we arm ourselves with the experience of our New Martyrs and Confessors? Do we pray to them for victory?
Hieromonk Yakov (Vorontsov)
For all of us, becoming acquainted with the New Confessor Nicholas (Mogilevsky) is like finding treasure.
The prayer of every human being is of cosmic importance—that is, it has an effect not only on somebody individually, or his family and immediate circle of friends, but also on the entire world.
How can we become like St. Seraphim of Sarov, and how can we acquire the joy with which the saint met every person? Here are several stories about this on his feast day:
Archpriest Valerian Krechetov
Whatever happens to someone concerns his individual personality. For some reason, different kinds of suffering are sent to those who suffer—some suffer in one way, others in another way. All of this is for a reason.
The history of mankind has a spiritual meaning and is formed from inside, and this hidden process (where people’s hearts incline) is known to God alone. Outward events just reflect the innermost contents of life and the choices of people.
I made this rule for myself: You live your life and wait for the Lord to give you access to your neighbor.
Archpriest Alexander Tikhonov
The transcendence of being could be felt with him. He was constantly in prayer—gathered deep within himself. He never said an extraneous word.He simply didn’t chatter. He didn’t laugh. He was prudent, calm.
Holiness seems like something unattainable to us, but it is found in love. We spoke about the skills and techniques of the workshops of holiness, as monasteries have been considered since ancient times, with their modern inhabitants, on Mt. Athos, in the Russian hinterland, and in the center of Moscow.
The prayer is not transmitted by precepts—not in the letter, but in the spirit. You live with an elder and you draw from his spirit.
Archpriest Sergy Baranov
On the third day an Athonite monk couldn’t contain himself any longer and wondered, “There are no questions for you… But your companion… Is he really a bank manager?” I replied: “He is the manager of all the banks in the Orenburg region!” He continued: “Does he really read the Jesus Prayer all day long?”
In fact you must enter the realm of prayer and never leave it till the moment of your death. This is your life’s work; this is something we ought to do our entire lives.
The more the days pass, the brighter the image of the Elder emerges in the memories of those who passed through his school. We offer the story of a man who prefers to simply be known as Mαθητής (Mathetes).
Today, on the Elevation of the Precious and Lifegiving Cross of the Christ, we present stories about how within the experience of death, Pascha is suddenly revealed.
Bishop Alexei (Polikarpov)
Venerable Aristokly of Mt. Athos and Moscow is one of the most popular saints among Muscovites.
A community becomes a spiritual family out of immense love for Christ.
A penance is given for people’s correction. But have the people corrected themselves?..
Hieromonk Kirion (Olkhovik)
Rating: 9.7|Votes: 45
The mission of monks, not least the monks of Mt. Athos, is the following: We feel this obligation entrusted to us by the Church, that prayer and propitiation to the Lord should not stop in the world for a single moment.
Olga Orlova, Archimandrite Methodius (Markovich)
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The youngest abbot on Mt. Athos, Archimandrite Methodius (Markovic) of the Serbian Hilandar Monastery, speaks on life as Liturgy, which is incomparably higher than any divisions that are now imposed upon Orthodox peoples.
Rating: 9|Votes: 45
Every one of us is a potential saint, even if we do not believe right now! Metropolitan Nicholas (Khadzhinkolai) of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki, a hierarch of the Greek Orthodox Church, considers disbelief the most valuable experience in the spiritual life.
Rating: 10|Votes: 9
What was happening in Russia 100 years ago is often called “the little apocalypse”. Yet it was then that the models of confession of the faith—the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church—were given to us. But how can modern people, who are weak and spoiled, take part in their experience of standing firm in the faith?
Rating: 9.7|Votes: 40
It is crystal clear that our society is infected with a shortage of love. I think that our contemporaries, choked up in the general atmosphere of enmity (because of the lack of love), above all expect love from the Church. That is why above all we should tell those on the outside that God is love.
Rating: 10|Votes: 25
The following is a story of the Nativity celebrated throughout a difficult, yet joyful life, through which shines the more than two thousand year old history of this event most important for mankind.
Rating: 9.8|Votes: 41
Fr. Naum knew that each of us needed to be trained and gain wisdom by our experiences.
Rating: 10|Votes: 20
Miracles through the prayers of St. Spyridon occur every day in front of his relics! That is why he is known as a wonderworker. St. Spyridon has performed numerous miracles for all the people taken together and for each of us individually.
Rating: 10|Votes: 34
The twentieth century was difficult. Our Church was oppressed and Fr. Adrian was persecuted. He also spoke directly, including admonishing the powerful of this world.
Olga Orlova, Yuri Pushchaev
Rating: 10|Votes: 22
Today we commemorate the fortieth day of the repose of the ever-memorable Archimandrite Adrian (Kirsanov), the last elder of the Pskov Caves Monastery. He was known for his simple words, efficacious prayer, exceedingly important revelations, and unforgettable meetings. Those who were fortunate enough to have communicated with the Pskov Caves elder Archimandrite Adrian (Kirsanov) remember this “incredibly happy person.”
Rating: 9.9|Votes: 15
On January 22, in his seventy-ninth year of life, after a serious illness, the abbot of the Entrance of the Theotokos Optina Pustyn Monastery, Archimandrite Benedict (Penkov) departed to the Lord. He was the creator and guardian of the monastic life there, and also a keen spiritual father. Here is what several archpastors and pastors who knew the newly-departed Archimandrite Benedict have to say about him.
Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), Olga Orlova
Rating: 9.8|Votes: 25
His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, talks about the recent Council of Bishops in Moscow, the preaching Christ in today’s world, on the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and about Orthodox Christians in the United States.
Rating: 9.5|Votes: 22
“People like Fr. Naum showed in our times the path of genuine asceticism.”
Olga Orlova, Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin)
Rating: 10|Votes: 6
Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin), spiritual father of His Holiness, ascetically struggled on Mt. Athos for more than ten years in one of the sketes of St. Panteleimon Monastery—the Old Russikon. Namely there, at the mill just a few decades earlier Venerable Silouan the Athonite carried out his obedience. In 1967 the book of his life and teachings became a spiritual guide for the now-revered elder, then novice Alexei of the Pskov Caves Monastery
Olga Orlova, Archbishop Mark of Berlin
His Eminence Archbishop Mark (Arndt) on spiritual unity with the Holy Fathers and ordinary contemporaries, about how priests come to be priests in our time, can monks today exceed the ancient hermits, on women’s calling, unusual beauty and the genuine freedom of Orthodox Christianity.
Rating: 9.3|Votes: 22
Our guides say that very many people even change outwardly after visiting our monastery. They straighten their shoulders. Even their appearance changes! Attitudes to their own lives also change along with their perception of Russian history.