Greetings from Bishop Tikhon and Brothers on the feast of the Nativity

Dear Readers! We greet you with all our hearts with the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


What could be more important than peace—in our families, in our countries, with our close friends and distant acquaintances, and finally, peace in our own souls.

But in order that this state might not be a deceptive dream, but would instead fill our lives with grace, we must have what most is important of all—peace with God. This peace is given to each of us in the Nativity of the Son of God.

Let us receive with faith and love, gratitude and active repentance this priceless gift of peace with God, and it will forever unite us with Christ.

Bishop Tikhon and brothers


George Theodore Lymberakis1/12/2016 1:15 am
To your wishes, Holy Father, may I add joy with those who love us, awareness of those who hate us and God's light to distinguish timely between the two.
George Theodore Lymberakis
Athens, Hellas
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