Alexandria warns of canonical punishments for Russian priests serving in Africa

Cairo, February 14, 2022

Fr. Andrei Novikov with priests in Tanzania. Photo: Facebook Fr. Andrei Novikov with priests in Tanzania. Photo: Facebook     

If the Russian priests who are currently visiting and serving in Africa as part of the Russian Church’s African Exarchate don’t stop serving, they will be subject to canonical sanctions, warns the Patriarch of Alexandria.

Following the consecration of Archimandrite Nectarios (Kabuye) as the Bishop of Gulu and Northern Uganda at the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Cairo on Saturday, Patriarch Theodoros convened a meeting of the hierarchs present to discuss the activity of the Russian Exarchate, reports Romfea.

The Alexandrian primate appealed “for the last time” to all the priests who have switched to the Moscow Patriarchate, and especially to Archpriest George Maximov and Archpriest Andrei Novikov, the Russian priests who have been serving in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, to return to good ecclesiastical order, to respect canon law, and to cease serving on the territory of the Alexandrian Patriarchate.

“Otherwise the sanctions provided by the canons will be applied immediately,” the statement reads. The Patriarch pointed to a number of canons: Canon 15 of the First Ecumenical Council, 18 of the Fourth Council, 35 of the Quinisext Council, 6 of the Council of Gangra, 10, 53, and 62 of the Council of Carthage, 10, 11, 15, and 31 of the Holy Apostles, and 2, 3, and 5 of the Council of Antioch, etc.

“Finally, the Patriarch calls on all African clergy who are carried away by the material promises of the aforementioned clergy, to return to the arms of their Mother Church, which never cultivated ethnocentrism, but only worked with self-sacrifice for the spread of Orthodoxy in afflicted Africa,” the statement concludes.

Fr. Andrei responded: “Any sanctions from Theodoros of Alexandria have about as much canonical consequence as sanctions from the Lutheran bishop of Stockholm.”

According to Exarchate statements, it currently includes more than 150 priests from 12 countries

, including 95 from Kenya alone.

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Troy Jenkins2/19/2022 1:43 am
Alexander Leitner: "Nonexistent"? Lol. His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria is still commemorated by the other primates in Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Albania, Czech Lands and Slovakia, and Ukraine. The Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa is still thriving and faithfully evangelizing the continent. I’ve never seen someone espouse so much hatred and arrogance as you have in the comments sections of these articles. You sound like you need to register with an Old Calendarist parish with your "true Orthodoxy" spiel.
Alexander Leitner2/17/2022 5:25 pm
@David: "Who gave the Moscow Patriarchate the right to unilaterally declare Alexandria non-existent?" It is non existent because it fell into schism. Like Constantinople and Athens. They do not exist anymore in Holy Orthodoxy. They are apostates. And by the way who gave Constantinople, Alexandria, Athens....the right to unilaterally declare the Ukrainian Orthodox Church non-existent? Metropolitan Onuphri non-existing? The ONE AND ONLY CANONICAL HEAD OF THE UKRAINIAN CHURCH!
David2/16/2022 3:07 am
Who gave the Moscow Patriarchate the right to unilaterally declare Alexandria non-existent?
Alex2/15/2022 4:32 am
“Any sanctions from Theodoros of Alexandria have about as much canonical consequence as sanctions from the Lutheran bishop of Stockholm.” That is exactly correct!
Alexander Leitner2/14/2022 2:50 pm
Funny! Now Patriarch Theodoros starts quoting Holy Canons! Why did he not quote Canons when they entered communion with schismatics? He is appealing? And when the Russian Orthodox Patriarch was appealing? Niw lets go to Greece and Constantinople and establish true orthodox parishes.
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