And in summer in our God–preserved city of Lugansk, as if by special order exactly during the Eucharistic Canon the glass in our church windows and stained-glass windows would always begin to shake badly from the nearby artillery fire. And what next?No one left!
Such classes essentially corrupt teenagers and aim to legitimize depravity with the help of contraceptives.
The children should learn, one way or another, about the world full of illusory dreams, fantasies, and satanic lies, and then return to a place where they were happy.
Priest Dimitry Shishkin
The week of the Prodigal Son is a good opportunity to talk about the difficulties faced by parents’ communication with teenagers.
Archimandrite Antony (Guliashvili)
Recently reposed Archimandrite Antony (Guliashvili) talks about eldership, punishment, his spiritual father, Archimandrite John (Krestiankin), and why Russia and Georgia are inseparable.
We had a more responsible and serious approach to the faith during the Soviet era. Now there are more passersby and people who just stop in than there are parishioners.
Sergei Kravets
The spirit of the Constantinopolitan Patriarchate has significantly changed over the last three centuries.
Anton Ovsyanikov
Anton Ovsyanikov is a very interesting modern artist from St. Petersburg. We talked with him about his creative work, faith, his numerous trips to Mt. Athos, and whether it is easy to be an artist in our days.
The Angels reign over the universe, give us good advice, strengthen us in doing good works, protect us from the evil spirits—and all of this is barely perceptible to us.
Unlike laypeople, who can abstain from Communion if they are feeling insulted, a priest celebrating alone does not have that option—he has to celebrate the Liturgy anyway. Therefore, we asked some Orthodox pastors to tell us how we can eliminate the feeling of resentment as soon as possible.
What is Holy Rus’? Is it some historical/geographical concept that belongs to past eras or an ideal we are expected to strive for? Does Holy Rus’ exist today?
Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin
We have talked with Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin, Ph.D in Church History, Ph.D in theology, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy and the Sretensky Theological Seminary, about the position of the Church on capital punishment past and present.
Perhaps our greatest tragedy is not in the absence of strong politicians but in the lack of saints, whose example could serve as a powerful reviving stimulus.
Vasily Tsvetkov
It should be noted here that Ukrainian separatism was supported not only by the elite like Hrushevsky, Vinnichenko and Petlyura, but also by specific money: financial “injections” that were carried out by the Germans and especially the Austrians.
Yuri Pushchaev, Vasily Kursaksa
Vasily Kursaksa is an extraordinarily gifted modern Russian artist. He talks in this interview about the core of his art, the life of an artist, modern “art”, and Chernobyl.
Maria Lvova-Belova
Rating: 9.9|Votes: 20
The “Louis Quarter” is a staffed community residence for the disabled in Penza. We talked with Maria Lvova-Belova on how it managed to become a landmark of the city, which Louis it is named for, and how not to lose heart in seemingly hopeless situations.
Pavel Kuzenkov, Yuri Pushchaev
Rating: 9.3|Votes: 55
When and why did the Patriarchate of Constantinople introduce the new calendar? How is it connected with the current Church conflict in Ukraine? We discussed these subjects with Pavel Kuzenkov, Ph.D in Historical Sciences, teacher of the Sretensky Theological Seminary, and expert in Christian chronological systems.
Rating: 9.7|Votes: 40
It is crystal clear that our society is infected with a shortage of love. I think that our contemporaries, choked up in the general atmosphere of enmity (because of the lack of love), above all expect love from the Church. That is why above all we should tell those on the outside that God is love.
Yuri Pushchaev, Natalia Velikanova
Rating: 9.7|Votes: 37
January 24, 2019, was the first anniversary since George Velikanov saved at the cost of his own life a homeless man from death under the wheels of a suburban train. This real podvig astonished everyone and reminded all of us what genuine Christianity is about.
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill
Rating: 9.2|Votes: 35
Today, on the tenth anniversary of the enthronement of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, we are publishing selected saying of by the primate of the Russian Church.
Yuri Pushchaev, Nun Gabriela (Kvastiani)
Rating: 9.2|Votes: 22
A distinctive feature of Samtavro is, above all, that it was precisely here that Christianity became the state religion, that is, the spiritual foundation of social and political life was laid here, based on Orthodoxy.
Anton Pospelov, Yuri Pushchaev
Rating: 8.9|Votes: 45
Pravoslavie.ru asked clergymen and experts from Kiev and Moscow to comment on last week’s scandalous and shocking decision by the Synod of the Constantinople Patriarchate to revoke the Tomos of 1686 that transferred the Ukrainian Metropolia to the Moscow Patriarchate, and to remove the anathema from the heads of the Ukraine’s uncanonical structures—the “Kiev Patriarchate” and the “Ukrainian autocephalous Orthodox Church”, etc.
Yuri Pushchaev, Vladislav Igorevich Petrushko
Rating: 8.7|Votes: 27
The 1686 тomos concerning the transfer of the Kievan Metropolia from the Church of Constantinople to the Moscow Patriarchate and the circumstances of this transfer have recently become the subject of heightened discussion. The Patriarchate of Constantinople has now suddenly begun to categorically challenge the validity of this transfer.
Rating: 9.2|Votes: 24
To our surprise, we began to notice that into Sretensky Monastery, the gates of which are not marked by any signs in foreign languages, scores of fans have been coming from other countries. We decided to get acquainted with some of them and ask them about their impressions of Russia and Russians, what cities they visited, about our culture and mentality.
Rating: 9.4|Votes: 39
Myths and misconceptions about the Byzantine Empire (of which Russia is believed by many to be the spiritual and political successor) abound.
Yuri Pushchaev, Theodore Gaida
Rating: 8.2|Votes: 26
Was Emperor Nicholas II a weak-willed ruler who led Russia to a revolutionary catastrophe? Who was guilty in the shooting on January 9, 1905 and the Khodynka tragedy?
Olga Orlova, Yuri Pushchaev
Rating: 10|Votes: 22
Today we commemorate the fortieth day of the repose of the ever-memorable Archimandrite Adrian (Kirsanov), the last elder of the Pskov Caves Monastery. He was known for his simple words, efficacious prayer, exceedingly important revelations, and unforgettable meetings. Those who were fortunate enough to have communicated with the Pskov Caves elder Archimandrite Adrian (Kirsanov) remember this “incredibly happy person.”
Yuri Pushchaev
Rating: 8.4|Votes: 20
So should priests marry all who ask for it only because the engaged couple wants it? How can we bring home to newlyweds the importance and greatness of this holy sacrament?
Yuri Pushchaev, Michael Khasminsky
Rating: 9.3|Votes: 15
We talked with Michael Khasminsky, Director of the Center for Crisis Psychology at the Patriarchal Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Moscow, on why fake news about the Church are in high demand among some mass media.
Yuri Pushchaev, Archpriest Evgeny Peleshev
Rating: 9.9|Votes: 18
In his interview with Pravoslavie.ru, Fr. Evgeny Peleshev recalls his life at the Pskov Caves Monastery in his youth and how priests and the faithful were persecuted in the post-war Soviet period.
Rating: 10|Votes: 11
It is just the right time to have a rest. But do many people enjoy their vacations without any harm for their bodies and souls?
Rating: 5.5|Votes: 2
They first softly became a part of our lives and then won an overwhelming victory in the style of Julius Caesar: “Veni, vidi, vici” (“I came; I saw; I conquered” from Latin). Isn’t it awful that this happened so fast!...
Igor Gerashchenko
Rating: 9|Votes: 9
Irina Borisovna Ratushinskaya (born March 4, 1954), a poet, a former dissident and an Orthodox Christian, reposed in the Lord on July 5, 2017. Pravoslavie.ru talked with Irina’s husband Igor Gerashchenko, also a former dissident and a member of the Artists Trade Union of Russia.