Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)
By his humility and zeal for the glory of God and the moral purity of his life St. John was vouchsafed to be the Forerunner and Baptist of the very Creator of Heaven and earth.
thout sin, having pure and holy flesh, submit to circumcision? First of all, the Lord accepts circumcision and the other Old Testament mysteries and rites to thereby give an example for men to obey the Law, and on the other hand, having accepted our nature, He also took upon Himself all our sins and unrighteousness.
The Cross was given to us as a sign on our foreheads, just as Israel was given circumcision. By the Cross, we the faithful are distinguished from the unfaithful.
The Lord looks upon a grateful person with favor and love, fulfills his good requests and sends him new mercies.
How then brethren can we not be merciful to our neighbors and not forgive their sins against us, when our Heavenly Father Himself loves us all? He is kind to both the ungrateful and the wicked.
It will be good at that time for wise Christians—their souls will burn with the fire of the sweetest love for God.
Everything in the New Testament is clearly revealed. Whoever heeds this teaching will see grace-filled light, come to a knowledge of God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit; he will see his purpose—in eternal life—and the path to reaching this goal:
The power of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord gives the greatest help to those who protect themselves with the Sign of the Cross.
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, today the Holy Gospel has taught us a necessary and most important Divine truth, which we must not only know but also implement in our lives.
Honoring the Holy Cross today, let us, however, remember that our bowing before the Cross of the Lord must consist not only in eternal actions and words, but must also take place in the depths of our soul, our spirit.
The spiritual path of a Christian who is striving to save his soul is thorny and full of dangers, and that is why he needs guidance.
The remembrance of Christ’s Cross, our bowing down before it and venerating it, are for the Christian the greatest consolation in all sorrows and tribulations, and it especially protect him from evil spirits on all the paths of his moral life.
That’s what we should do—use the natural means available to us, and not tempt the Lord with expectations of miracles and signs in our defense, which are never squandered uselessly.
Without love, a Christian is not a Christian. And Christianity is not Christianity.
History does not present another such man—all the prophets, holy in life and great in temperance though they be, were not so austere as John the Baptist.
When God is greatly angered at a sinner, can anyone intercede before Him, assuage His anger, and turn it to kindness and mercy?
She was the Morning Star, shining amidst the sinful darkness and announcing to the world that from her soon would rise the spiritual Sun—Christ the Savior, Who enlightens all who come to Him by His Divine teaching.
For us, brothers and sisters, who behold the holy death of the righteous one, let his zeal for divine truth prevent us from the lawlessness of those whom he rebuked, and let our souls be inspired to speak the truth, to love truth, and to stand for God’s righteousness—perhaps even unto death itself.
Rating: 9.4|Votes: 18
Her most pure hands are spread out all over the Christian world with wholesome miracles and signs—obvious and manifest tokens and proofs of Her mercy and intercession, so frequent that we can hardly enumerate them.
Rating: 10|Votes: 17
Have you picked up the Holy Gospel with the goal of testing whether you are walking the path that is shown to us by our Lord Jesus Christ? If you do not do this, then you are making a fatal mistake that is perilous for you.
Rating: 9.6|Votes: 11
Jesus’s flight into Egypt at the instructions of an angel of the Lord to preserve Him from the death that Herod had devised for Him gives us also an example to follow on the paths of our own lives. We can also encounter in various forms something similar to what happened with our Savior—that is, danger and persecution.
Rating: 9.4|Votes: 15
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, one event in this great saint’s spiritual life is especially edifying to us—namely that she came to know God through examining nature.
Rating: 9.5|Votes: 10
Everything that we have now in the Holy Church—all of its spiritual riches, all the grace coming from its prayers and Sacraments—all of it originates from the holy day of Pentecost.
Rating: 9.9|Votes: 14
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, one of the main questions, having great importance for each and every one of us, is the question of the afterlife.
Rating: 10|Votes: 10
Dear brothers and sisters, there is nothing we more often encounter in life than misfortunes and sorrows! What should we do amidst all these misfortunes in order to keep ourselves from harm, to not be conquered but to become conquerors?
Rating: 10|Votes: 20
However, despite the high dignity and significance of this virtue, there is very little Christian humility in us. The spirit of open or concealed pride and vainglory possesses us, so that nearly every one of us thinks very much and highly of himself and very little and lowly of others.
Rating: 10|Votes: 13
Every word of it finds a response in our souls, and helps us in our prayer to God for help in the struggle with the passions.
Archimdrite Kirill (Pavlov)
Rating: 9.9|Votes: 29
The Church combined weeping over sins with fasting, for fasting gives our repentance wings and bears it upward to God’s Throne. The labor of fasting is sacred and quite ancient.
Rating: 8.5|Votes: 15
In offering daily prayers for its reposed children, the Holy Church encourages all the faithful do this, so that they would with one voice and one heart offer fervent prayers to the Throne of God, asking that He give rest in blessed places to the souls of our relatives who have fallen asleep.
Rating: 9.7|Votes: 14
Our people love to call the Mother of God by special names appropriate to her heavenly protection and mercy. And the Mother of God has not left this prayer unanswered, but has given speedy help to everyone who has asked.
Rating: 9.3|Votes: 30
Our prayers are like a lifesaver that we throw to our neighbor in a difficult moment. Therefore, how good it will be for that person who fulfilled his Christian duty and prayed when we all will meet there beyond the grave, seeing one another face-to-face, and he will hear gratitude from his fellow man for helping them! And conversely, how bitter will be the reproach of those who did not help their friends and relatives by their prayers in perilous times!
Rating: 10|Votes: 9
Made a little lower than the angels (cf. Ps. 8:6), the king to whom were subject all the earthly animals, man in paradise did not consider himself pleased with his state. Man desired what was not according to his organic, created nature, and thus was the first great sin committed.
Why should we rejoice on this day of the Dormition of the Mother of God? Because the word “dormition” alone shows that the death of the Mother of God was unusual. It was sleep, which was soon followed by joyful wakening.
Rating: 10|Votes: 4
Christians are triumphant and joyful as they celebrate this feast, because the glorious Transfiguration of the Lord gives great consolation to the Christian heart.
Rating: 2|Votes: 1
Now more than ever we must remember this admonishment, for especially now many are dormant and sleeping. The sleep of the soul is not bodily sleep, which strengthens the body, but rather, it is an unhealthy sleep, a painful slumber in which people chase after vanity, thinking they are living a true life, forgetting about the soul, about God, and about the future eternal life.
Rating: 8.4|Votes: 5
Out of her limitless love for the human race, she takes to heart every tear, every trouble, and every sigh, and unceasingly prays to her divine Son and Lord that He be merciful towards human iniquity and deliver His servants from every evil.
Rating: 9.8|Votes: 6
Righteous Symeon was found worthy to be such not only because he received the Youth in his arms, but particularly because he bore Christ in his heart together with the Father and Holy Spirit. Thereby, not only the elder Symeon has been granted the high dignity of bearing Christ in his arms and being a God-Receiver, but many others have been able to know this honor.
Rating: 10|Votes: 6
Dear brothers and sisters, having such a great multitude of saints shining forth in our Russian land, we should rejoice and be comforted, that we are not alone, but we have in Heaven our older brothers, our protectors and intercessors, who see all of our needs and hear all of our prayers and lamentations. Let us turn to them today with a heartfelt prayer for the Russian land and for the salvation of our souls, that they might by their prayers implore for us the mercy and grace of God: All saints of our land, pray to God for us! Amen.
Rating: 5|Votes: 2
We sometimes wish that our petitions and prayers would be fulfilled immediately, not considering that God knows better than we what is more profitable for us and when to offer us consolation.
Rating: 6|Votes: 4
When amidst a distracted and sinful life you suddenly feel a revulsion for sin, and under the influence of bright thoughts you get the desire to change your way of life, it means that your guardian angel has found a serendipitous moment to place before your inner eyes sin as it really is, in all its foulness.
By the good master of the house in this parable is meant God the Heavenly Father, Who continually calls us to His supper—that is, the supper in the Kingdom of Heaven, which was prepared for us from the creation of the world, inherited through the acceptance of faith in our Redeemer, Christ the Savior, and which will be revealed toward the end of this world.
Rating: 9|Votes: 6
This parable teaches us that, accepting faith, we must accompany it with good deeds, which can and must support our spiritual life. The foolish virgins, going out to meet the Bridegroom, did not prepare the oil of good deeds for their lamps. The wise stored up good deeds along with their lamps in order to meet the Bridegroom worthily. So too our life must be a preparation for meeting the Lord, and for the rest of our lives we must constantly work towards the acquisition and preservation of living faith and burning love of God, the Source of life, and love of one’s neighbors.
Rating: 5.5|Votes: 2
The pure hearts of the myrrh-bearing women could feel the holiness of the Savior and his love of people and responded to him with the same strong and passionate love.
Rating: 9.4|Votes: 10
Thus we see, dear brothers and sisters, that the main cause of our country’s salvation from destruction was the firm Orthodox faith of our ancestors. When hope in human strength was no more, then all the true children of the Church and Fatherland placed a three day fast on themselves and prayed to the Mother of God before her Kazan icon. Their prayer was heard.